
NHS e-RS Referral Service

What is NHS e-RS Referral Service? The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) combines electronic booking with a choice of place, date and time for first hospital or clinic appointments.

How NHS e-RS Referral Works at the GP?  When you and your GP agree that you need to see a specialist at the hospital for treatment you can discuss & choose what hospital you would like to go to. The GP will complete a referral and you can book your first hospital or clinic appointment using e-Referral.

e-Referrals is a service that lets you choose your hospital or clinic. You will also be able to choose the date and time of your first appointment.

For Fast Track Cancer NHS e-RS Referrals  The GP completes an e- referral books an appointment  for you during your consultation giving you the appointment date & time and where to attend in the hospital. This information can be sent to you via email, text or post the following day.

For Rouitne NHS e-RS Referrals  The GP completes e-RS Referrals and it is then emailed or text to you the following day it will show your unique booking reference number, your NHS number and Access code so that you are able to manage your own outpatient bookings.

Please watch the short video opposite.


We encourage all our patients to look after their own bookings and appointments through the NHS Manage your Referral website. This means patients will be able to manage their appointments 24/7, allowing them to check, cancel or change their bookings around the clock.

Please book within 10 working days.

Book an appointment using the NHS e-Referral Service 

If you loose your Booking Form please telephone the Practice Secretary on 0207-735-4412 between 8am-12noon and she will be able to give you the details again.

If you do not book an appointment within 10 working days of collecting your Booking Form the hospital will send a reminder letter. If you have not booked an appointment within 3 month of your referral it may have been cancelled, so you will need to be referred again.


Some areas in the UK offer a self-referral service, which means you can make an appointment to see an NHS clinic without having to see a doctor Or Nurse first.

Here are some services you can self refer to: